Thursday, October 10, 2013

number one

Hello, bloggers!

Sorry for the confusion over the web address and stuff...
But don't worry, I'm still here!

I decided it was time for a new blog. I've recently entered a new chapter in life and have had nothing but change for the past couple months so thought to myself "hey, Marley, why don't you just change your blog while you're at it!" So here we are on this lovely Untitled page.

Life lately has consisted of moving out of my parents home and into a dorm room in Logan, UT to attend my freshman year at Utah State University! Let's be real, I love it here. Cache Valley is absolutely beautiful,  even if it's about 10 degrees colder than I'm used to.

I can't promise anything amazing out of this blog, but I can promise a whole lot of random. You may expect tales of #collegelyfe, word-vomit thoughts-of-the-day, embarrassing moments on campus or off, latest inspirations, etc. etc. etc.

I certainly hope you'll click the little follow button over there and join me in my adventures.

love always,

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